Sunday, April 25, 2010


I left South Beach and came home to spring in New England. The red wing black birds are back. Quince is in flower.

The Jack in the Pulpit has come up in marshy soil.

The flowering trees have gone completely crazy. I think this is winterberry.

The exquisite timing of plants and birds has sparked a poem that begins, "I've learned to live without worrying."


  1. Lovely photos, Mim. So nice to have you back. Will you send me your email? I have so much to tell you. Love,

  2. Dear Mim - ah, joyous spring! New England will be glad to have you back.

    I love the first line of your new poem... might we be allowed to see more one of these Tuesdays? I do hope so! I am flying to Christchurch today and will be taking your "Devotion" and Melissa's "Squanicook Eclogues" with me. I feel very fortunate to have these fine volumes accompanying me. Thank you.

    Take care.


  3. It is good to hear from you all.

    Claire, Melissa also has a wonderful memoir, "Color is the Suffering of Light." Thank you, generous reader.

    This is the most gorgeous spring.

  4. Dear Mim, those pictures are wonderful, it's overwhelming in a way. How do you feel changing places? I wonder if it's it easy for you?
    All the best, smilla

  5. missed you! I'll keep my eye out to see you walking by.

  6. Smilla, dear: This time I easily slipped into life here. Before I used to come home in March when the weather was still harsh. Now it's soft. I do miss the beach, though.

    Mim-K, I walked past your house yesterday; cars gone so I didn't ring the bell. See you soon. When will you put out your tomato seedlings? I'm nursing some I carried back from Florida. They're on my window sill, getting leggy.

  7. "I've learned to live without worrying," what a wonderful message..thank you...
